Logo de LunarPlay System

Your nickname

Logo de LunarPlay System

Enter your nickname:

Please enter a valid nickname to start your adventure!

Why a nickname?

Your nickname is a unique identifier that will help you stand out in the player rankings. Choose a fun, original nickname to make your mark!

Your nickname will be registered with your score in the general LunarPlay System ranking. You'll be able to track your progress and compare your performance with other players.

Your nickname will be your identity in the LunarPlay System universe. Choose a name that suits you and that will accompany you on all your interstellar adventures!

Please note that your nickname will be stored in our database and will be visible to other players. Please respect the rules of good conduct and do not use offensive or inappropriate nicknames.

We reserve the right to delete any inappropriate or unethical nickname.

Your nickname may contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens and underscores. It should be between 3 and 20 characters long.

Once entered, you can only change your nickname by closing and reopening your browser. Make sure you choose a username that suits you before you start your adventure!

Enter your nickname in the field above and click on the "Play" button to begin your interstellar adventure. Good luck and may the star force be with you!